What is therapy? A way of healing. — Professional Counseling Service

What is therapy? A way of healing.


Many people call and ask what is therapy. The goal of therapy is to improve your quality of life. It is a way of discovering what has a negative impact on our lives. It is a journey of self-exploration to increase our level of self-awareness.

As your counselor, I will guide you along this path. I, as your counselor do not act as the self-appointed expert   on the client’s life who effortlessly dispenses advice to clients on what he/she should be thinking, feeling and doing. On some level of consciousness based on his/her experience in life, I believe the client is in possession of the answers to his/her questions. It is my job to make those answers explicit. It is my job to help clients identify, develop, and mobilize their own resources to successfully solve problems and meet challenges.

As the client, you are in charge of every session. Every session, I will ask the client what they want to focus on. If the client is unsure, then I will recommend possible topics. Ultimately, therapy is a way of healing.

Michelle Dawn Ray, LCSW